Monday 20 June 2016

East Pokot Mission

Hey everyone! Firstly, I'm alive! Haha after trying many many other avenues, I have resorted to writing this blog on my phone and using the little data that I have to post it! It's been almost three weeks since I left Canada and I've been just itching to update you all. So so much has happened! Accessing internet here truly is a challenge, a learning curve that was a struggle at first but now I'm happy to be apart of :).

It's hard to begin this blog in a way that brings justice to the experience that I've gained here so far. I hope I'm able to at least capture a bit of how incredible this time has been for me. 

I will start with briefly outlining my travels, then go into the first week's mission:)!
I left Sunday June 5th around 3:30pm to get to the airport early to catch my flight for 6pm. Thank you so much to my friends, family and church family for sending me off with the beautiful prayers and well wishes. 

We were really hoping that the extra checked luggage I had for the donations would be free because of my application that I had made to the airline. However we still had to pay around 650 CAD to get them through unfortunately. We will apply for reimbursement though, and I'm praying that it will go through! Anything is possible for God!:)

After a 1.5hr flight to Montreal with some delays, I had to run to catch my flight to London --and I barely made it! I believe I was one of the last to board, but thankfully I got there. That plane was huge-- at least 10 seats wide. The flight was about 6.5 hrs long and my next one from London to Nairobi was about 8.5hrs. Although my travels were quite long, I really felt at peace and actually found it valuable time to reflect and prep my heart for the mission. When I arrived in Nairobi, Kenya, all five of my checked luggage (4 donation bags and one personal luggage) made it too thankfully! There weren't many hiccups so I was thankful the travels went so smoothly!

After traveling for so long alone, it was such a relief to see Dr. Godwin Mugo waiting for me at the arrival pickup area. Dr. Mugo is apart of MeMA, the missions team I am working with here in Kenya. We had never met before, but I think I was just so tired and so filled with relief and joy that I gave him a great big hug as soon as I saw him. Haha what a girl I am.  He probably didn't know what to think :P.
Dr Mugo and his family graciously hosted me my first night. Everything was so new, the roads, houses and especially the food! My very first night they made ugali (oo-gal-ee) and kale, rice and choma-- a very traditional 'staple' Kenyan meal. The next morning I had Kenyan tea for the first time as well. Everyone here makes their tea the same way- boiled milk, a bit of water, black tea leaves and then add sugar after you pour it through a strainer into your cup. Mmm it's my favourite-- I don't like going a day without it anymore :). Their milk here isn't pasteurized like it is at home so it's always served hot, after being boiled. When I had cereal my first day, the milk was hot. Very different but actually very good! 
That day we set off on our mission to Chemolingot, East Pokot Baringo County for our mission. I met Brittany Harman (my teammate from Canada that I mentioned in my last blog) on the way ( love love love love her) and we shared the biggest and longest hug ever! It was so amazing to see her for the first time in Kenya, I think I'll always remember that moment :). On the way to Chemolingot we stopped in Nakuru to meet the rest of the team for that week's mission. We met Observative, Oliver, Jeff and Lucy. Right after meeting them, Brittany leaned over and told me to remember that moment because I wouldn't believe how close we would get as a team in only one week. She was so right :). They are all such incredible individuals. From Nakuru we took public transportation, a matatu (gotta love em 😉) for the rest of the journey. We sang worship songs the entire way there :). On just the first day I saw so many animals in our travels. Baboons casually crossing the road, camels, zebras, donkeys and goats everywhere. There were also a lot of dogs roaming around. The dogs here are all wild, none of them are pets, which is really hard for me because I always want to pet them! 
On our way to Chemolingot we stopped in a small rural town. That was the first time this trip that I experienced feeling very very different as a Canadian in Kenya. There were so many people and children everywhere and they wouldn't stop staring at me and Brittany. The children were almost afraid of me, but once I broke the "touch barrier" and shook their hands, they couldn't stop stroking my skin and touching my hair. :) That was just the beginning of being the first white person many of the children I would come in contact with ever saw. I never ever imagined how amazed people would be of me, to say it simply, just because I'm white. It's so fun letting the kids play with my hair! 

After that experience, I got to use a rural toilet for the first time, that was a fun experience too haha. Most toilets in the towns away from the city  are small holes or toilet bowls in the floor that you squat over to use, then pour a bucket of water in to flush. That was a fun experience, especially when I didn't bring my own toilet paper with me the first time haha 😅 oh so funny. Good times. 
We finally arrived in Chemolingot and had a nice meal and then rested for the evening. Always remember if you are coming to Africa to bring your own towel, small pillow, toilet paper, soap and powdered laundry detergent! Some of those I unfortunately forgot which made living a bit difficult.
Sleeping arrangements always include a mosquito net as well, due to the malaria risk, so it's definitely wise to bring one, even if most of your hosts own extra. 
Day two was when the fun started :). 
Throughout the week we went to various schools sharing words of encouragement to the children and sharing the Gospel. Many children drop out of school at a very early age after community-wide circumcision (both male and female). That takes place every 5-7 years in a community and all children from ages 5 to late teens can get circumcised. 
We were putting on activities with the children to encourage them to stay in school and pursue their dreams. Another strong issue we ran into was the lack of literacy rates amongst the children's parents (one community we visited was 99.9% illiterate) and the need for some families to move depending on the fruitfulness of the land (as most make their livings off of farming and/or livestock). Another program that is being introduced by the team is "Bee for Education". At one school we presented the top two students with big beehives. These beehives will eventually provide a source for honey, and a source for the children to make money to pay for their schooling. One beehive essentially can bring a child all the way through their schooling. Giving them to the top students in the highest grade (class 5 in that village, as others dropped out before making it further) encouraged others to stay in until at least class 5 so they could get a beehive as well. 
We also started an art experience with the children to encourage exploration of fine arts, as many don't ever get exposed to that. It was a great activity for the children! They pasted leaves and dirt and branches   on the posters and drew animals. We sang so many songs with them and we started to mentor a few older students, of which we will follow up with and continue to be in contact with. Many of these children have so little. 

In attempt to keep this post fairly brief (it's already so long, I'm sorry!) I'm just going to quickly outline some big moments that happened during the mission. 

Our only medical experience to date was at a small dispensary clinic run by one physician and one volunteer. That is where we donated most of the medical supplies. When we first got there, there were moms and children all over, laying on the ground, trying to calm their sick babies. The clinic had 3 exam rooms and only one exam bed, so there was no room for patients to stay inside. One young boy (between 5-7 yrs old) was laying unconscious outside in the heat on a piece of cardboard with an IV running into him. He had a severe case of malaria. His sister was sitting beside him holding his arm. There were flies and so much dirt. When the doctor came to check his temperature, he just used the back of his hand on the child's forehead. In the rural areas, they have to be resourceful and use what little they have. To wash his hands before examining a pregnant mother, the doctor used a small alcohol swab that was from the pile that we had just donated.
One lady had a snake bite from a few days ago that was getting quite infected so on our way back to Chemolingot we drove her and her mother to the hospital. Lucy, our leader, prayed and shared the Gospel with them on the way and they both accepted Christ. They were not used to being in a car, so both of them vomited on the way. It was quite difficult.

Another community we went to had so so little as well. Many didn't have different items of clothes and those that did were tattered and torn. We lead a church service there with them under the trees and then gave food and clothes to them. I found that moment so overwhelming because there wasn't enough to go around and they all were in so much need. Everyone was pushing and talking loudly in Pokot language-- I needed to step back then and take a break by the car. They were all so grateful though, they gave us the BIGGEST honour of all as a thank you-- a live goat! 
It was quite a fun time riding back in the land rover with 8 of us and a goat in the back! The goat served to be our meals for the next week haha. I was able to help in slaughtering it (I just held the light because it was done at night). As a nurse, I found the anatomy part of it quite interesting ---but it was also quite traumatizing for me, to be completely honest! I wasn't able to eat much of it haha.

It's funny, some of the biggest challenges are in the small things. Like not having a lot of alone time.. Not knowing the local language is quite a challenge... DOING LAUNDRY. Haha such a challenge. They don't have machines here so I had to learn to do all my laundry by hand, which is actually much more tedious than it sounds. I always get laughed at because the children aren't used to seeing a mzugu (white person) doing labor. And of course I'm still quite awkward at doing it.. But it gets done nonetheless! Haha this is a side note, but today I wore a blanket around me all day because I washed all my clothes last night and they are still drying haha. 

Lucy, our team leader told us during the week about a community not far away that has a lot of unrest with the neighbouring community next to it. Unfortunately with the unrest, there was a massive massacre, the Nadome massacre, last year and many were killed. Due to strong traditional beliefs, the community refuses to touch the dead bodies, as they believe touching the dead gives them a curse. Unfortunately that means over all those bodies remain unburied in the streets in that community. MeMA hopes to help with that this summer, and bury the dead there for the community. I pray that I will be able to be a part of that. 

Our last day of the mission we gave all the shoe donations to the Chemolingot orphanage. Again, there weren't enough to go around, so not all the children got a pair. But the joy and the appreciation they all had was so incredible. We sang with them as well before we left- they all have such beautiful voices! 

After our mission ended in East Pokot, the team went camping on Baringo Island for the night. It was so beautiful and the best way to end the mission with the team. 
We then returned to Nairobi. I feel like returning to the city after being in the bush in the rural communities was the most culture shock Ive had the entire trip! The cities are so busy and the traffic is crazy! Because Brittany and I, are mzugus (I think that's how you spell it, meaning white person), and are super rare to see, people kept grabbing on to us and calling out to us. Haha so many men asked us to marry them. 

Back in Nairobi, where I am now, Brittany and I had the opportunity to explore some safaris and go on some day trips before Brittany had to leave to go home and before the rest of our team goes on the next mission. The beauty was breathtaking! 
We got to walk so close to some giraffes and zebra! 
Brittany left to go home yesterday and is still traveling as I write this. I'm so thankful for the time I had with her. She's been on many missions to Africa before and was able to teach me so much. I'm going to miss her a lot. But, now marks the beginning of a new adventure as I learn to serve in the mission experience on my own, with no others of my culture. 
Later this week we set off on the next mission-- including door-to-door need surveying and ministry back in East Pokot. The week following we will be holding a medical clinic in the slums of Nairobi, later in July I believe I will be volunteering in the Kjabe hospital and finally I will be finishing with another medical clinic in August.  

Anyways, I must go for now! Here are a few photos of the mission so far! 
I also hope to post some videos in a few weeks so you can really get a feel for everything I've talked about!

Sending all my love from Kenya! 
Kwa heri!